Handball Ladder

Our ladder handball program makes it easy for competitors to challenge other players and report their scores. The challenge handball ladder software updates ranking positions automatically after the match results are reported.

View other handball software products that R2sports has to offer including: Membership, rankings, tournament, and league management software.

Handball Player Features

Players can use their smart phone or any computer with internet access and go to the sports ladder website home page. There they can view recent match results and activities that have recently taken place on the handball challenge ladder.

Handball players can view the challenge ladder rules and view the game play formats. Join the handball ladder by clicking the Enter Now link. Choose the challenge ladder divisions in which you wish to compete, then view the registration on line summary.

Once the registration process has been completed, the player’s challenge ladder ranking spot starts at the bottom in the lowest position. Players can work their way up by making online challenge requests against higher ranked opponents. After the match is over, players can login to the reporting section to report the match results.

The handball ladder email system sends out automated email notifications when certain trigger actions occur, such as: A challenge is requested, an opponent accepts a challenge, a challenge is cancelled, there is a forfeit due to no response to a challenge, or there is a non-activity penalty.

Join a handball ladder today.

Handball Director Features

Handball ladder directors are in charge of going through the sports ladder software setup and selecting all the options and rules that the participants will follow.

Some of the rules that a director can set include: Setting the number of ranking spots up a person can challenge, setting penalties for not participating, time limits to respond to challenges, and more.

Customize the website by adding a home page message, uploading an image, and selecting a color scheme. Directors can turn off the online registration system if it is a closed handball ladder, and then enter players manually through the participants section. This section also allows directors to make and accepts challenges on behalf of a player, and report results for them.

When someone accidentally reports a result incorrectly, the director can use the ladder software to edit the handball ladder rankings, making it easy to reposition the players if necessary.

The built in email system makes it simple for directors to send an email to all registered players on the handball ladder. It is as easy as typing the message into a content manager and clicking send.

Activate free handball challenge ladder.

Future Handball Events

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Live Handball Events

Today there are live Handball events. Follow live Handball leagues and tournaments online. View brackets and starting times. Results entered in real-time by event directors.

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Handball Results

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