Table Tennis Ladder

The ladder table tennis program allows players to make challenge requests against opponents and submit their game scores. The table tennis ladder software updates ranking after each match is reported.

View other table-tennis software products that R2sports has to offer including: League Administration, Membership, rankings, and tournament management software.

Table Tennis Player Features

Everything for the ping pong ladder is done through the sports ladder website, which can be view on any smart phone or computer with internet access. The home page will list activities and recent results, along with other useful links for joining the ladder, making challenges, and viewing table tennis ladder rankings.

Players can login and register online for the table tennis ladder. There, they will enter their profile and contact data, and select which divisions to compete in. When the registration process has been completed, the participant will be given a starting challenge ranking spot at the bottom of the table tennis ladder.

The director sets the rules and players can view the details on the challenge ladder rules page. On the rules page it will show how many spots can be challenged up, and also list the game play format, along with any additional table tennis ladder instructions.

On the table tennis ladder website, players can view players available to challenge, make challenge requests, and submit scores by logging in through the reporting section. Automated emails are sent through the table tennis program to an opponent when a challenge is requested. Other emails are sent if there is a forfeit due to no response, a match is cancelled or reported, and when a penalty is issued. When match results are reported, the table tennis ladder rankings are updated immediately and a new challenge can then be requested.

Enter a table tennis ladder today.

Table Tennis Director Features

The director controls the options of the table tennis ladder through the sports ladder software setup. Name the ladder and select options including: If women can play in the men’s divisions, how many spots can be challenged up, the maximum amount of time a player can accept a challenge before receiving a forfeit, if a non-activity penalty is issued after not challenging anyone within a certain amount of time, and more.

Choose which sport ladder divisions are available for the participants to join. If desired, select to have a separate junior’s ladder, different than adults, then allow the juniors to also compete on the adult table tennis ladder. There is a setup option to choose if matches on one ladder count towards both ladders. Another option allows directors to use matches from the R2 sports tournament software so when two players on the ladder compete in a tournament or league, it also counts towards their table tennis ladder rankings.

The director can go to the participants section and register any players manually who don’t enter through the online system. This section also allows directors to schedule and accept challenges on behalf of the players, and report final match results.

When a player accidentally reports results incorrectly, the director can manually correct them by updating rankings in the ladder software. Other than this and handling any disputes between players, once the director sets up the table tennis ladder, it is a self-running system that requires little extra work.

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Table-Tennis Results

View previous Table-Tennis tournament and league results.

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